
Connetti Italia

PNRR: the online platform "Connect Italy - Ultrafast Networks" is active

The new platform "Connect Italy - Ultrafast Networks" is available online: it’s a tool designed to offer citizens all the information in real time on the progress of the interventions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Mission 1, Component 2, Investment 3 - "Ultrafast networks". The site, created [...]
Smart&Start Italia - Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy

Innovative start-ups: 108 million euros to refinance "Smart&Start Italia"

The Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy has issued two decrees for the allocation of 108 million euros in order to refinance "Smart&Start Italy", an incentive that supports the creation and growth of innovative start-ups. The measure facilitates business projects to produce goods and services in the field of [...]
Deep Tech

Industry 5.0 Award: EU rewards deep tech start-ups

The European Commission has launched the 2023 Industry 5.0 Award , which recognises and values EU-funded projects that make an outstanding contribution towards building a European industry. The plan is to achieve social goals beyond employment and growth, becoming a resilient provider of prosperity, making production more sustainable and putting [...]
Transizione verde

Green transition: 88 million euros for Italian SMEs

The European Investment Fund, supported by the InvestEU programme, has signed three new agreements with Endeka SGR, Banca Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano S.p.A. and Azimut Investment SA for a total value of 88 million euros, to support the green transition of SMEs in Italy. The agreement with Endeka SGR [...]
Ufficio europeo brevetti

EU single market for patents: unitary patent system in place

From today, 1 June 2023, the unitary patent system comes into force in the EU: this will allow companies to protect their innovations in Europe and take advantage of their intellectual property in a simpler and easier way. The unitary patent system will strengthen EU innovation and competitiveness, thus completing [...]
Commissione europea

Tougher EU rules to fight corruption

The European Commission has adopted a new package of measures to fight corruption more strictly in the EU and worldwide. The series of measures acts in three areas: Communication : Firstly, a communication on the fight against corruption in the EU is introduced, providing an overview of existing anti-corruption legislation [...]
Commissione europea

The EU launches the European Public Procurement Platform

The European Commission has launched the " Public Buyers Community Platform ", a platform designed to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among public buyers across Europe . The platform is a single digital space, where stakeholders, including public bodies, industry, SMEs and academia can exchange best practices, share experiences and [...]