

Digital markets, new European regulation comes into force

Since May 2, the new European regulation on digital markets (DMA) has been applied in EU countries , with the aim of ensuring fair and contestable markets in the digital sector. The regulation defines gatekeepers , that is, large digital platforms that act as an important access point between commercial [...]
Prodotti agroalimentari

Agri-food, new EU rules for the marketing of products

The European Commission has proposed revising the rules on the marketing of a range of agri-food products , such as fruit and vegetables, fruit juices and jams, honey, poultry and eggs. The proposed amendments aim to help consumers make informed choices for a healthier diet and help prevent food waste [...]

Equal pay for men and women: the European Parliament endorses Commission’s proposal

The European Parliament approved the Commission’s proposal on the transparency of remuneration which, after the final adoption by the Council of the EU, will ensure the effective implementation of equal pay for men and women , introducing greater transparency in the determination of compensation and improving access to justice for [...]

The "European Unitary Patent" will be operational from 1st June 2023

From 1 June 2023 the European Patent Office (EPO) will issue the European Patent with unitary effect ("unitary patent"); this document twill allow, through the payment of a single renewal fee directly to the EPO, to simultaneously obtain patent protection in the 25 EU countries participating in the initiative, namely [...]
Alimenti laboratorio

Synthetic food and animal feed: production and sale stopped in Italy

The production and sale of synthetic food and animal feed has been stopped. The ban was introduced with a bill approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers "In accordance with the precautionary principle, the rules aim to protect human health and the agri-food heritage by prohibiting the production and marketing [...]