Tourism, attendance in Northwest Sardinia hotels declines in June


The tourist season got off with a slow start in Northwest Sardinia.

According to an analysis of Federalberghi-Confcommercio province of Sassari, in June there was a decrease of more than 6% of the room occupancy rate, going from 68.89% in June 2022 to 62.23% in June 2023.

The analysis is based on a statistical sample, that involved 40 of the 100 associated hotels out of 110 existing hotel facilities in Northwest Sardinia, for a total of 146,970 beds. Alghero is above the average, compared to the rest of the territory in terms of room occupancy, recording 67.78% of occupancy for 2023, but down from the June 2022 figure, that had reached 76.67%. The Gulf of Asinara, analysed without the Algherese numbers, went from 57.77% of room occupancy in June 2022 to 53.41% today.

For the current month of July, the trend seems to consolidate, and today there does not seem to be the conditions to equalise the productions recorded in July last year.