
Economia circolare

From waste to re-use: new EU rules for the circular economy

The new European directives on the circular economy entered into force on July 4th, 2018. The new package consists of four directives that intervene on the general organization and on some specific sectors. In particular: • Directive 2018/849 / EU intervenes on end-of-life vehicles (modifying Directive 2000/53 / EC), batteries [...]
Crescita imprese

Cultural and creative industries, the island shows small signs of growth

The system of cultural and creative industries (CCI) in Sardinia is growing and shows a more performing dynamic than other regions. This trend can be attributed on the one hand, to the relative increase in competitiveness acquired over the last few years by the island companies and on the other [...]
Incontro Pigliaru, Piras e sindacalisti per metano

Methane, Sardinia accelerates to catch up with Europe

Sardinia is the only region in Italy and among the very few in Europe to have no natural gas network. The absence of methane distribution represents an infrastructural disadvantage for the island, which can be quantified at a cost of 500 million euros per year for households and businesses. The [...]

Development and employment, in Gallura a public-private investment of 44 million euros

The planning agreement signed between the Regional government, the Ministry of Economic Development and Invitalia is aimed will create 54 new jobs with an important spill over effect on the indirect economy, while strengthening the accommodation offer and additional services. The total investment sums up to 44 million euro, with [...]
Fondi europei

European funds, Sardina promoted by the Monitoring Committee

By next December the Region will have to spend € 147 million euros of EU funds, which will become 185 if the goal is to be able to achieve the bonus.The first step planned for this year has been exceeded. The regional planning minister Raffaele Paci is convinced that Sardinia [...]

Export, Italian wine on display in Singapore

The Singapore Wine Exchange will take place on November 28th 2018, at the Chijmes Hall. The eventi is organized by ICE, the Agency for foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, and is dedicated to industry operators, journalists and sommeliers. The event is part of ICE ‘s broader strategic promotional [...]

Italy-China, the alliance with Hainan is strengthened in the name of the ICT

International markets are a precious opportunity for Sardinian companies that focus on innovation and research to grow, export their products and expand their business even outside the island's borders. The commitment of the Sardinian Regional Government in meetings and events with Chinese companies, investors and researchers goes in this direction [...]

Sinnova 2018, an opportunity for B2B meetings with investors and foreign partners

The Regional Ministry of Industry, on the occasion of Sinnova 2018, which will take place in Cagliari the next 11 and 12 October, organizes with the Ice - Agency froreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, a incoming visit of investors, research centers and companies interested in investing or starting [...]

Businesses and innovation, Sardinian start-ups are growing

In Sardinia there is a start up company every 9 .360 inhabitants. This is what emerges from the periodic report published by Infocamere, updated last month, which contains the complete list of companies registered in the special section of the business register dedicated to innovative start-ups. The island is positioned [...]
Regional Ministry of Industry Maria Grazia Piras

Sardinia’s ICT sector pushes exports

The exportations of Sardinia in 2017 marked a substantial + 28%. The merit is above all of the excellent performance of the ICT sector. Numerous start-ups and island-based companies have successfully participated in the international missions organized by the Regional Ministry of Industry, obtaining positive feedback and opening up new [...]