

Organic farms of Southern Italy at the "BioFach" in Nuremberg

Ice, the Agency foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies , promotes the participation to BioFach 2018 , the organic food and agriculture fair scheduled in Nuremberg from the 13th to the 16th of February , as part of the South Export Plan for Southern Italian companies. Funded by Ponic [...]

Italy-China, a bridge thanks to the "Week of science, technology and innovation"

To Strengthen the relations between Sardinia and China in order to offer more growth opportunities for Sardinian companies on the Chinese market. This will be the spirit of the Cagliari event of the Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation , the largest European event on internationalization between the two [...]

Waste, ministerial tenders to encourage lower production

The Ministry of the Environment has published three calls to co-finance projects aimed at the treatment of certain types of waste and to the prevention of their production. The first two calls for proposals concern the development of research projects for the treatment of RAEE, i.e. electrical and electronic equipment [...]

Energy efficiency in construction

The European Union has updated the guidelines to be adopted by the Member States on the energy performance of buildings . The Directive 2018/844 / EU, which modifies the previous 2010/31/EU , was published in the European Union Official Journal. The European Union aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by [...]

Internationalisation, a mission in London for sardinian innovative companies

To promote "made in Sardinia" innovative companies in the British market. This is the next objective of the three-year Regional Program for the internationalization of the Regional Industry Ministry. In collaboration with ICE, the Agency for foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, the regional offices have scheduled a Boot [...]

Relaunching the crisis areas of Porto Torres and Portovesme

The Italian Government and the Regional Admonistrationaim at relaunching the industrial centers of Porto Torres and Portovesme. Complying with the requests formulated by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Regional Minister of Industry, Invitalia has published a call for expressions of interest in the reconversion and industrial redevelopment projects [...]
mine work

A new international tender for the Olmedo mine

There is time until November 5 to join the tender for the award of the concession to cultivate the bauxite deposit in the Olmedo mine . The public procedure notice, activated by the Regional Industry Ministry, is aimed at all companies who meet the standard requirements. The application form, the [...]

Sardinian companies to Grandi Degustazioni in Canada

As part of the actions of the Three-year Program for Internationalization , the Regional Ministry of Industry has provided for participation in the twenty-third edition of Grandi Degustazioni (Great Tasting) in Canada , dedicated to wine. Grandi Degustazioni is an event organized and promoted by ICE, the Agency for foreign [...]
Invitalia: Smart & Start Italia

Invitalia: Smart & Start Italia

“ Smart & Start Italia ” is a funding scheme aimed at supporting the creation and development of innovative, high-tech start-ups throughout the country, to stimulate a new entrepreneurial culture linked to the digital economy, to enhance the results scientific and technological research. The following subjects are considered eligible for [...]
The research programs of the University of Sassari

The research programs of the University of Sassari

The University of Sassari supports and promotes the value of knowledge and skills, their transfer to the socio-economic system and endorse a lasting collaboration between academy and business. The University, thanks to the scouting activity of its own skills and technologies, is able to propose solutions to the questions of [...]