European funds, Sardina promoted by the Monitoring Committee

Fondi europei

By next December the Region will have to spend € 147 million euros of EU funds, which will become 185 if the goal is to be able to achieve the bonus.The first step planned for this year has been exceeded.

The regional planning minister  Raffaele Paci is convinced that Sardinia will be able to achieve the goals set by Europe, spending all the resources made available in quality projects. The miniser recently took stock of the situation regarding the Por ERDF 2014-2020, presiding the meeting with the Monitoring Committee, which was attended by, among others, the Rapporteur of the European Commission for Sardinia, Silvia Rescia, the Managing Authority Graziella Pisu and representatives of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The ERDF can count on a financial allocation of 930 million euros and is one of the main instruments aimed at revitalizing the Sardinian economic system, through the implementation of interventions aimed at research and innovation for the competitiveness of companies, digitalisation, energy efficiency, social inclusion, environment and prevention of hydrogeological risk. Out of the total 930 million, for now, 676 have been planned and 102 have been spent. Out of this last share, 56 million are already certified. 1,054 interventions were selected for a total of 512 million investment.

"We are sure of achieving the full objectives, not only the minimum - assured the minister Paci - but also the premium objectives which will generate a bonus. The expenditure has been largely planned, the projects are en route and now we are working hard to implement them quickly and adequately. We have spent up to the last euro of the previous programming period and the same we will do this time. European funds are a precious opportunity that we must be able to exploit to the full and to the end ".

Research and innovation
Small and medium enterprises