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trasporti e mobilità

EU, an emergency plan for transports

The objective is to protect and strengthen the sector after the crisis To protect and strengthen the freight and people transport sector. This is the aim of the Emergency Transport Plan, adopted by the European Commission in response to the economic crisis in the sector, which has been hampered both [...]
la bandiera europea

React, the European Commission says ‘yes’ to Italy

The proposal provides for investments in our Country for 3,1 billion euros The European Commission has approved the programming of the React-EU for 2022 proposed by Italy, which involves investments in our country for about 3.1 billion euros. The document, drawn up by the Ministry for South and Territorial Cohesion [...]
bandiere europee

PNRR, here comes the money

The European Commission pays Italy its first instalment of 21 billion euros On 13 April, the European Commission paid Italy the first instalment of 21 billion euros for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, following the positive assessment of the payment request submitted by Rome at the end of December [...]
la bandiera europea

Pnrr, Europe says its first “yes” to the Italian requests

The European Commission has approved the positive preliminary assessment of the Italian request for payment of 21 billion euros, of which 10 billions of subsidies and 11 billion of loans, in the framework of the device for the recovery and the resilience (RRF), the key tool of the NextGenerationEU program [...]
la bandiera europea

NextGenerationEu, another 5 billion for recovery

The European Commission raised an additional 5 billion euros in NextGenerationEU funds. The new cash flow that will be used to support the post-covid recovery of European countries, is the result of the issue of 30-year bonds, maturing on 6 July 2051, which brings the total funding raised under the [...]

REact-Eu: €4.7 billion to Italy

The European Commission has granted 4.7 billion euros to Italy under REACT-EU to support the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic crisis and contribute to a sustainable socio-economic recovery. The new financing is the result of the modification of two operational programmes of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the [...]
Unione europea

New EU funds to the PON "Governance and institutional capacity"

With a reshaping of the React-EU programme, the European Commission granted 1.2 billion euros to finance the national operational programme "Governance and institutional capacity". Of this sum, 761 million euros will be allocated to the purchase of 68 million doses of vaccines against coronavirus. A further 374 million euros will [...]