Support for Businesses

Unione europea

With "Horizon IP Scan", free advice for SMEs

The European Commission has launched "Horizon IP Scan", a free advice service for SMEs to help them manage and enhance intellectual property in collaborative R&I projects. The new service is designed for start-ups and SMEs involved in collaborative research projects under one of the EU’s research programmes, Horizon 2020 or [...]

The new Digital Europe programme 2021-2027 kicks off

The European Council approved the new Digital Europe 2021-2027 programme which, with a budget of 7,588 billion euros will stimulate digital transformation by providing funding for the introduction of state-of-the-art technologies in key areas such as artificial intelligence, supercomputing, and cyber security. Digital Europe will finance projects in five areas [...]

EU, 330 billion euros for new Programmes

In recent days, the EU has published the first Implementing Regulations for the preparation and carrying out of the new Operational Programmes co-financed by the European Structural Funds under the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027. This is an overall legislative package that makes 330 billion euros available to Member States. The package [...]
Unione europea

New guidelines on "Next Generation EU"

The European Commission has updated the guidelines for the preparation of the national plans "for recovery and resilience" to be submitted by each Member State to make use of the 672.5 billion euros of the Next Generation EU programme, the European Instrument designed to guide recovery from the economic crisis [...]

EU Commission: an open, sustainable and assertive trade policy

Yesterday, 18 February, the European Commission defined its trade strategy for the coming years. Reflecting the concept of open strategic autonomy, it builds on the openness of the EU to contribute to economic recovery through support for green and digital transformations, as well as a renewed focus on strengthening multilateralism [...]
Unione europea

EU launches the new "Agenda for the Mediterranean"

EU relaunches and strengthens the strategic partnership with neighbouring Mediterranean countries by proposing a new "Agenda for the Mediterranean". Under the new EU Neighbourhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), up to 7 billion euros would be allocated for the period 2021-2027 for the implementation of the Agenda. This [...]

Airlines, EU Commission approves new aid scheme

The Commission has approved the Italian scheme which allocates 130 million euros to airlines to compensate for the damage suffered as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Once the green light will be given by the Commission, the Italian Government will be able to provide support in the form of [...]
COVID-19, EU’s new Marshall Plan

COVID-19, EU’s new Marshall Plan

European Union launches a new Marshall Plan to address the COVID-19 crisis:2,770 billion euros, divided in various expenditure headings. Created to combat unemployment, the SURE fund has seen the addition of the Fund for the needy, the Aid to fishermen and farmers, the Plan to recalibrate all aids of cohesion [...]