Waste, ministerial tenders to encourage lower production


The Ministry of the Environment has published three calls to co-finance projects aimed at the treatment of certain types of waste and to the prevention of their production.

The first two calls for proposals concern the development of research projects for the treatment of RAEE, i.e. electrical and electronic equipment, and waste not managed by supply chain consortia. The grants are destined to research organizations, which can partner up with companies active the sector: production, transport and final treatment of waste, with institutions, such as Municipalities and trade associations. A maximum loan of 50% is envisaged, for projects ranging between 100.000 and 300.000 euros. The deadline for application is September 13th. The first call focuses on the optimization of the product life cycle aimed at the reuse of materials used to replace the raw resources.

The second call’s focus is eco-design; the call is aimed at promoting the prevention, recovery and recycling of the products that are not part of a waste treatment chain. For example hazardous urban wastes such as paints, drugs, sanitary towels, disposable products such as felt-tip pens, CDs, lighters, razors and cigarette butts and hard plastic not used for packaging, such as toys and tools.

The third call for proposals will fund projects to support the donation of food surpluses for solidarity purposes: a contribution of up to 80% is foreseen for instrumental equipment and up to 10% for management costs, with a maximum ceiling of 30.000 euros. Non-profit public and private bodies that have already entered into agreements with food business operators and recipients of food surpluses may apply for co-financing. Applications may be submitted by June 30th. The projects admitted will be financed in chronological order until the resources allocated are spent.