The research programs of the University of Sassari

The research programs of the University of Sassari

The University of Sassari supports and promotes the value of knowledge and skills, their transfer to the socio-economic system and endorse a lasting collaboration between academy and business.

The University, thanks to the scouting activity of its own skills and technologies, is able to propose solutions to the questions of innovation and development coming from the territory and to provide an adequate and efficient response to the research needs of the industry.

The main services and equipment that allow the achievement of these objectives are:



Universitary Incubator CubAct

Designed primarily for researchers from the University of Sassari, it is also open to innovative ideas from aspiring entrepreneurs outside the academy. The incubator of the University of Sassari is a further step for the creation of a virtuous circuit between learning, research and innovation centred on entrepreneurship in direct contact with the research community.

The structure welcomes future and new entrepreneurs interested in realizing their own business project and participates along with them in the necessary paths to transform an innovative idea into a successful business.

The services provided are of two types: pre-incubation and incubation.

  • Pre-incubation dedicated to the launch of a new activity, it provides support of experts to aspiring entrepreneurs in the definition of the business project, the verification and the value of technology, its economic, commercial and legal sustainability.
  • Incubation guarantees to the established companies a real and virtual platform, spaces equipped for the settlement, hardware and software equipment, common spaces for meetings, networking and themed events.



Contamination Lab Uniss

It is the alternative formative path of contamination between students of different disciplines. The cultures of entrepreneurship, innovation and doing are promoted. CLab Uniss intends to stimulate among the participants the awareness of being able to build new opportunities for their future. The goal is to widen and expand the University's educational offer, proposing new perspectives in which the students, inserted in a stimulating environment for the development of entrepreneurial innovation projects, become protagonists and active actors of their work.

Spin off Uniss

Innovative entrepreneurial initiatives, with a high content of knowledge and/or technology that are born on the initiative and with the involvement of one or more researchers who aim to economically enhance the results of research, know-how, patents and the scientific-technological skills acquired within the University.

The University favours the creation of innovative spin-off and start-up companies providing business planning consultancy, training and pre-incubation for business development and incubation groups, fundraising support.

Start Cup Sardegna

It is the Business plan competition, carried out annually in all the Regions that adhere to the National Award for Innovation. The competition provides free training to all participants for the preparation of the business plan. To the winning entrepreneurial ideas, the competition offers cash prizes, market support services and managerial tutorship.

The winners of the Start Cup Sardegna, can participate in the National Award for Innovation (PNI), win the prizes made available by the national sponsors and get in touch with the main representatives of the Italian scientific and financial community dedicated to innovation.

The protection of intellectual property

The University of Sassari outlines policies, promotes the protection of intellectual property held within it.

It supports the researchers and staff of the University throughout the patenting process: from the first patentability assessment, to the drafting and filing of the patent application (and possible extension), up to their economic exploitation.


Web Portal Sardegna Laboratori


The web portal gathers the patrimony of instruments of the research laboratories of the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari and of the other public research institutions of the island. On the web portal is possible to consult 1286 services, 279 laboratories and 1392 research and analysis tools available at the University of Cagliari. This patrimony of skills, instruments and services is also accessible to businesses and citizens. For information it is necessary to reach online the contact persons of each structure, indicated on the website.


CeSAR – University Services for Research


It is the university centre in the field of experimental, biomedical and humanistic sciences and it is born in order to optimize scientific productivity and resources, to favour and verify the effective, efficient and intensive use of the equipment and to make possible a real practice of Audit.

Its purposes are:

  • to provide services and consultancy, using high technology, to researchers of the University of Sassari for the performance of their institutional research and teaching activities, to public bodies and private companies that request them, in compliance with the rules established by this Regulation;
  • to contribute, together with the other realities located in the territory, to the creation of a regional research and services network;
  • to strengthen the propelling role of the University both from a cultural point of view and in technology transfer;
  • to promote cutting-edge research activities, both fundamental and applied, providing tools, scientific equipment and new technologies as well as providing new tools and resources for the implementation of international scientific projects;
  • to spread in the fabric of regional research updated knowledge necessary for the use of scientific equipment and for the dissemination of new technologies;
  • to make available innovative equipment, of high complexity and of multidisciplinary interest to optimize its use, maintenance and management costs;
  • to promote the sharing of "complex" equipment and the integration and synergies of the University Departments.


Fab Lab Uniss

The FabLab UniSS wants to be the point of reference of the territory to provide services, tools and skills, to move in the world of prototyping and digital manufacturing. The FabLab is adressed to:

  • internal users of the University of Sassari, both in the field of research and teaching (teachers, researchers, students and technical staff);
  • external users (companies, artisans, professionals, other public bodies, other students of all levels, individual citizens).

In synergy with the CUBACT university incubator, it promotes and stimulates the development of new entrepreneurial activities.



It is the service of the University of Sassari aimed at

  • encouraging the meeting between entrepreneurs and researchers to develop useful technologies for companies;
  • facilitating access to funds and grants through joint participation in calls for proposals and projects and supporting innovation in the island's production system.

Innovative Doctorates with industrial characterization

Initiatives with a strong industrial interest and the involvement of companies that carry out industrial activities directed to the production of goods or services.

Doctorates offer a great opportunity to companies interested in starting up paths of research and innovation.

The scholarships provide for PhD students a mandatory period to be carried out within an enterprise in training-innovative paths, planned and designed together by enterprises and the University, in order to commit themselves to specific problems or needs of research and innovation.

Job Placement Uniss

The placement service favours the meeting between job demand and supply and focuses on the transit phase of the graduate from the University to the labour market, with the aim of reducing the time of entry and of realizing the meeting between demand and job offer.

It is adressed to:

  • graduates of the University of Sassari in search of a first placement, a professional retraining and / or looking for new job opportunities;
  • unemployed and out-of-work people who intend to enter or re-enter the labour market;
  • companies seeking and wanting to make use of specific professional skills to be included in various capacities within their staff.


Research and innovation