

Covid, 60 million euros for the companies of the tourism and spa sectors

Sixty million euros to help the tourism and spa sectors to recover after the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the budget of the Italian scheme proposed by the Government and approved by the European Commission to reduce labour costs incurred by private employers active in the [...]

All data on funding and PNRR’s projects are online on OpenCup

Data on more than 70,000 development initiatives funded by the PNRR are available online. All information on funding lines related to Pnrr can be consulted thanks to the OpenCup Project, which is the new database dedicated to projects related to Pnrr. OpenCup has mapped funding and candidate initiatives, which shows [...]
la bandiera europea

A 677 million euros Italian scheme has the green light from the EU

Commission approves the government investment plan There is the green light from the European Commission to the Italian scheme of 677 million euros to support investment and a sustainable recovery in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The measure will be accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises active in certain [...]

110 million euros to support the entertainment, hospitality and catering sectors

The entertainment, hotel, catering and wedding sectors can count on a financial aid of 110 million euros to recover from the crisis induced by the Covid-19 pandemic. The European Commission has in fact approved an Italian scheme of 110 million euros prepared by the Government to support these particular production [...]

There is the agreement to support the organic sector

The agreement has been reached between Ministry, Regions and Provinces to support the sector The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces have reached an agreement on support for the organic sector. In particular, the approved Ministerial Decree defines the criteria and procedures for [...]

Agrobusiness in Europe, is the crisis over?

According to the European Commission data, January 2022 saw a 25% increase compared to last year Agri-food trade in the EU seems to have overcome the pandemic crisis. This is demonstrated by the latest data published by the European Commission, according to which the total value of trade in the [...]
innovazione, immagine simbolica

Innovation, the health crisis slows down the race

Istat records a decrease of 5% in the three-year period 2018-2020 compared to the previous one The health crisis has slowed down the innovation race of Italian companies. This is certified by the data of a study published by Istat, according to which in the three-year period 2018-2020 50.9% of [...]
trasporti e mobilità

EU, an emergency plan for transports

The objective is to protect and strengthen the sector after the crisis To protect and strengthen the freight and people transport sector. This is the aim of the Emergency Transport Plan, adopted by the European Commission in response to the economic crisis in the sector, which has been hampered both [...]