
Olio d'oliva

100 million euros to finance the modernisation of olive oil mills

100 million euros to support the modernisation of olive oil mills: this is the sum allocated by the Government with a scheme that has recently obtained the green light of the European Commission. The objective of this aid measure is to encourage businesses of all sizes producing extra virgin olive [...]
Turismo mare

Sea-based economy on the rise thanks to the tourism recovery

Sea-based economy led the recovery in Italy. According to an analysis of the Tagliacarne Centre studies, realised for the Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce, Informare and Unioncamere the produced wealth from the sea-based economy in 2021 marks a +9,3% compared to 2020, bringing to almost 56 billion euros the added value [...]
Prodotti agricoli

New EU rules for the use of organic pesticides in agriculture

New EU rules to encourage the use of organic pesticides. As part of the strategy "From producer to consumer", to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems by reducing the use of chemical plant protection products by farmers, the European Commission adopted yesterday a new legislation, which will enter into [...]
Bandiere UE

GDP and employment on the rise in the EU

The EU’s economic recovery continues. According to Eurostat’s analysis on the basis of preliminary data, in the second quarter of 2022 in the EU countries gross domestic product increased on average by 0.6% between April and June 2022, and the employment level also increased, which marked a +0,3% compared to [...]
Donna imprenditrice

Female entrepreneurship: the Unioncamere report

At the end of June 2022, there were 1.345 million female companies in business in Italy, representing 22.2% of the total Italian companies. The data emerges from the recently published Fifht Report on female entrepreneurship, made by Unioncamere in collaboration with the Tagliacarne Studies Centre and Si.Camera. The world of [...]
Scalo merci

Export slightly down in June, but 2022 is confirmed to be a positive year

After five months of growth, June saw a cyclical decline in exports to both EU and non-EU markets. According to the analysis published by Istat, in the second quarter of 2022, the economic trend is however very positive, although decelerating (+6.2%, from +8.0% in the first quarter). On an annual [...]
Bandiere UE

EU, safer international trade and investment through the Hague Convention

Contracts of employment, trade, and investment between companies from different countries are now safer in the European Union. It is the result of the EU’s accession to the Hague Convention on Decisions, an important instrument for facilitating multilateral trade and rules-based investment. The Convention lays down conditions for the recognition [...]
Prodotti agricoli

Agri-food trade on the rise in the EU

Trade in agricultural products in the EU is growing, marking an increase in the value of trade, especially imports. According to the report of the European Commission in May 2022, the EU’s agri-food trade reached a total value of 34.9 billion euros, an increase of 11% on a monthly basis [...]