
Smart home

Energy saving, new EU rules for home appliances in "stand by" mode

To reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. These are the objectives pursued by the European Commission with the approval of new rules concerning the "stand by" mode of home appliances and electronic devices . The new rules follow extensive consultation and consideration by the European Parliament and [...]
Energie rinnovabili

EU moves towards energy market reform

The European Union is moving towards a reform of the electricity market system to protect households and businesses from price volatility and to support access to safe energy from clean sources . With this in mind, the European Commission has launched a public consultation on the actions to be taken [...]
Pannelli fotovoltaici

Renewable energy, the EU set new rules to accelerate permits and installations

The EU is moving towards the adoption of a new law on renewable energy that will have three effects: Accelerate the authorisation procedure for renewable energy plants Promoting the EU domestic production during the energy crisis Reducing dependence on fossil fuels imported from Russia The text of the new rules [...]

The EU against planned obsolescence of domestic appliances

Clearer energy labels and spare parts of domestic appliances available longer on the market. These are the changes that have entered into force since 1 March 2021 in the EU to make life easier for consumers in the Member States and to invest in eco-compatibility. We start from the EU [...]

EIB funds: energy refitting for school buildings

The energy refitting of school buildings can now count on a European fund of around 1.5 billion euros. The agreement between the Minister of Education, University and Research (MIUR), European Investment Bank (EIB), Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) was signed last July 29th [...]
Renewable resources

Renewable resources, here is the FER1 Decree and the new incentive plan

The Ministry of Economic Development has announced the signing of the Decree Fer 1, which encourages renewable electricity sources. The Minister of Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, and together with the Minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa, signed the final version of the decree, overcoming the critical points that emerged [...]
energie rinnovabili

Renewable energies, Southern Italian companies at the Green Expo in Mexico City

Within the promotional activities of the South Export Plan, ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, organizes a collective participation in the Green Expo 2019 event, scheduled in Mexico City from 3 to 5 September 2019. The initiative, financed with Ponic funds , is reserved for 8 companies from the less [...]