EIB funds: energy refitting for school buildings


The energy refitting of school buildings can now count on a European fund of around 1.5 billion euros. The agreement between the Minister of Education, University and Research (MIUR), European Investment Bank (EIB), Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) was signed last July 29th. (CDP). The agreement provides for the allocation of funding to public bodies for restructuring operations, securing, adaptation to earthquake standards, energy efficiency and new construction of school buildings.


The resources (1,255 million euros allocated by the EIB and 300 million euros by CEB) will be disbursed by Cassa depositi e prestiti to Municipalities, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities through the granting of loans to the Regions, based on lists prepared by the latter and included in the three-year national planning 2018-2020 for school buildings of MIUR, the coordinating body of the Plan.

The amortization charges on the loans taken out will be borne by the Government, and thanks to specific methods of disbursement, the final beneficiaries will be able to use the resources without affecting the internal stability pact

The use of the funds of the Pact, which in the provisions of Cassa depositi e prestiti will allow the refitting of about 9,000 school buildings, will allow the Italian State a considerable saving in spending on interest expense.
