News - 3


"Mediterranean Basin 2014-2020", Sardinia launches the challenge of strategic projects

The Sardinia Region, acting Managing Authority of the "Eni Cbc - Med" programme, recently published a call for strategic projects. The program, whose budget is around 70 million euros, encourages the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, supports education, research, technological development and innovation, promotes social inclusion and the fight [...]

"Mediterranean Basin 2014-2020", Sardinia launches the challenge of strategic projects

The Sardinia Region, acting Managing Authority of the "Eni Cbc - Med" programme, recently published a call for strategic projects. The program, whose budget is around 70 million euros, encourages the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, supports education, research, technological development and innovation, promotes social inclusion and the fight [...]
Turismo e ambiente

Vivimed, in Barbagia, Montiferru and Ogliastra are studying new tourism models

The goal of " Vivimed - Innovative Services for the development of the tourism supply chain in the hinterland of the Mediterranean area" is to study and implement an integrated, innovative and sustainable offer as a result of the exchange of knowledge and experience, with the support of experts in [...]
Turismo e ambiente

Vivimed, in Barbagia, Montiferru and Ogliastra are studying new tourism models

The goal of " Vivimed - Innovative Services for the development of the tourism supply chain in the hinterland of the Mediterranean area" is to study and implement an integrated, innovative and sustainable offer as a result of the exchange of knowledge and experience, with the support of experts in [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]