Vivimed, in Barbagia, Montiferru and Ogliastra are studying new tourism models

Turismo e ambiente

The goal of " Vivimed - Innovative Services for the development of the tourism supply chain in the hinterland of the Mediterranean area" is to study and implement an integrated, innovative and sustainable offer as a result of the exchange of knowledge and experience, with the support of experts in eco-tourism, environmental sustainability and tourism marketing.

The project is funded by the transnational cooperation program "Italia-Francia Marittimo 2014-2020" of the ERDF and the partners are among others, Aspal, the regional agency for labour policies and Sardegna Ricerche. The initiative is focuses on the territories of Barbagia, Montiferru and Ogliastra and aims to experiment innovative models of tourism services to promote experiential and multi-seasonal ecotourism in the hinterland and in rural areas. About 160 operators have been involved so far in the meetings of the "Living Lab Ecotourism"; among them, there were companies and associations operating in the field of tourism services and complementary supply chains. The next Living Labs are scheduled for the last week of February. In April, a workshop involving the participation of delegates coming from the cross-border partnership will be held in Barbagia. During the workshop the partners will compare the experiences and identify the best practices for new models of tourism governance.

Environment and health