Startups and innovative companies


Lean Start-up, how to start a business in an intelligent way

Kicking off a new business involves risks that can be hard to estimate for the new entrepreneurs. Will I have enough customers? Will my product find distribution channels? Will I be able to create a support structure that can grow and maintain itself? Will I have enough economic, human and [...]

Innoviù: methodically addressing the launch of innovative products

In a way that is constantly evolving, innovation is a strategic lever for all companies that compete every day and wish to expand or consolidate their position on the market. To respond adequately to this need, today the Sardinian companies can rely on Innoviù. Founded as a software house, the [...]

Innovation and new technologies, meet at the "Hannover Messe"

ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, organizes the participation of Italian companies at the "Hannover Messe", the most important international showcase in the field of innovation and new technologies. The event will take place in the German city between April 1-5, 2019. The initiative is part of the Export South [...]

Innovative start-ups, Sardinia at the "Consumer Electronics Show" in Las Vegas

As part of the activities planned by the three-year regional program for internationalization, the Regional Ministry of Industry will participate with its own stand at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas from January 8th to the 11th. The Region will opt for an exhibition space at the Eureka Park [...]
Pigliaru visiting the Italian Embassy in London

"Sardinia Land of Innovation", the innovative island showcased in London

Over 200 companies, from agro-food to ICT, have taken part in recent years to the Region's initiatives aimed at seizing new business opportunities and investments in foreign markets. Among the recently promoted events, there is Sardinia Land of Innovation, realized together with the ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency. The [...]
San Francisco

"Launch Scale Festival", ten Italian start-ups fly to San Francisco

ICE, the Agency for foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, as part of the activities supporting the internationalization of startups and innovative SMEs, is organizing a collective participation to the Launch Festival of San Francisco, on 10 and 11 October. The Launch Scale is an event for startups and [...]

Italy-China, the alliance with Hainan is strengthened in the name of the ICT

International markets are a precious opportunity for Sardinian companies that focus on innovation and research to grow, export their products and expand their business even outside the island's borders. The commitment of the Sardinian Regional Government in meetings and events with Chinese companies, investors and researchers goes in this direction [...]

Sinnova 2018, an opportunity for B2B meetings with investors and foreign partners

The Regional Ministry of Industry, on the occasion of Sinnova 2018, which will take place in Cagliari the next 11 and 12 October, organizes with the Ice - Agency froreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, a incoming visit of investors, research centers and companies interested in investing or starting [...]

Businesses and innovation, Sardinian start-ups are growing

In Sardinia there is a start up company every 9 .360 inhabitants. This is what emerges from the periodic report published by Infocamere, updated last month, which contains the complete list of companies registered in the special section of the business register dedicated to innovative start-ups. The island is positioned [...]
Regional Ministry of Industry Maria Grazia Piras

Sardinia’s ICT sector pushes exports

The exportations of Sardinia in 2017 marked a substantial + 28%. The merit is above all of the excellent performance of the ICT sector. Numerous start-ups and island-based companies have successfully participated in the international missions organized by the Regional Ministry of Industry, obtaining positive feedback and opening up new [...]