Innovation and new technologies, meet at the "Hannover Messe"


ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, organizes the participation of Italian companies at the "Hannover Messe", the most important international showcase in the field of innovation and new technologies. The event will take place in the German city between April 1-5, 2019. The initiative is part of the Export South II plan and is reserved to companies based in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia.

The formula of the Hannover Messe is unique: seven international shows are held simultaneously in the same location, offering a thematic and product variety that ranges from research and development to industrial automation and IT, to innovative subcontracting solutions, to energy and environmental technologies. The objective of the fair is to promote business opportunities and to give visibility to participating companies in line with the strategies set out in the Industry 4.0 plan. In 2018 there were 210 thousand visitors, 70 thousand of whom came from abroad. Over 5 thousand exhibitors participated last year, with 60% of whom coming from abroad.

The interested companies must send their application by November 5th either via certified mail to or by registered mail with return receipt.

For more information and more information, go to the link

Research and innovation
Startups and innovative companies