

Export Sud, the Mezzogiorno start-ups at the "Viva Technology" in Paris

ICE, the Italian Agency of Foreign Trade, organizes the participation of Italian companies at "Viva Technology", the event dedicated to innovative start-ups that will take place in Paris from the 16th to the 18th of May. The initiative is financed with Ponic funds 2014-2020 is part of the Export Sud [...]

Tourism, "Destination Sardinia" promoted in Europe

In the first few weeks of 2019 Sardinia was at the center of an intense promotional activity in the European countries considered as reference markets of the island tourism sector, from Germany to Spain and Portugal. On 18 January, "Destination Sardinia" was presented in Portugal to the specialized press, tour [...]

Internationalization, the regional plan 2019-2021 is approved

The Regional administration has approved the updated three-year regional Plan for 2019-2021. Since 2015, the Plan is the main instrument for supporting and promoting businesses in Sardinia on international markets. Thanks to the identification of sectors and geographical areas considered strategic for the export of the island, the three-year regional [...]
Turismo e ambiente

Vivimed, in Barbagia, Montiferru and Ogliastra are studying new tourism models

The goal of " Vivimed - Innovative Services for the development of the tourism supply chain in the hinterland of the Mediterranean area" is to study and implement an integrated, innovative and sustainable offer as a result of the exchange of knowledge and experience, with the support of experts in [...]

Vaicacao , quality and innovation for a healthy cocoa

Cocoa is a very expensive raw material in the world, but not all cocoa belongs to the same category. Aurea Trading, a start-up company based in Olbia selects, transforms and markets under the brand " Vaicacao - Natural Healthy Superfood " pure cocoa and its derived products through an innovative [...]

Lean Start-up, how to start a business in an intelligent way

Kicking off a new business involves risks that can be hard to estimate for the new entrepreneurs. Will I have enough customers? Will my product find distribution channels? Will I be able to create a support structure that can grow and maintain itself? Will I have enough economic, human and [...]
prodotti alimentari

Igp and Dop, Italian exports growing. The data of the Ismea Report

The XVI Ismea Report on the agri-food and wine PGI and PDOs production outlines a positive picture for Italian products, increased in 2017 both in terms of value of production and exports. The Italian PDO and PGI system, both Food and Wine, includes 882 brands with a production value of [...]