GDP and employment on the rise in the EU

Bandiere UE

The EU’s economic recovery continues. According to Eurostat’s analysis on the basis of preliminary data, in the second quarter of 2022 in the EU countries gross domestic product increased on average by 0.6% between April and June 2022, and the employment level also increased, which marked a +0,3% compared to the first quarter of the year.

Italy’s GDP rose by 1% compared to 0.1% in the previous quarter, the German GDP remains unchanged, with France up 0.5% and Spain up 1.1%. The Netherlands (+2.6%, after +0.5% in the first quarter), followed by Romania (+2.1% after +5.1% in the first quarter) and Sweden (+1.4% after -0.7% in the first quarter). There are also countries that show a decrease in their GDP, such as Poland (-2.3% after +2.5% in the first quarter), Latvia (-1.4%, from +3.4% in the first quarter) and Portugal (-0.2%, after a +2.5%).