

The value of agricultural production grows

The value of organic agricultural production in Italy is estimated at 3.6 billion euros, with an increase of 1.9% compared to 2020 and an impact on the total agri-food stable around 4%. An encouraging fact reported by Ismea during the International Exhibition of Organic and Natural (Sana) that took place [...]

New EU report on agri-food published

The European Commission has published its latest report on the short-term prospects of EU agricultural markets. With significant progress in the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 across the EU, catering services have been reopened and travel restrictions have been gradually lifted. This should have a positive impact on tourism this summer [...]

European Union, proposal for a new common agricultural policy

Yesterday, 28 June, the Agrifish EU Council in Luxembourg gave the green light for the proposal to reform the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, in the wake of three years of negotiations and following the agreement reached in the Trilogue between the three European institutions last Friday in Brussels. Important [...]

EU, 2021 investments for agriculture

A total of 182.9 million euros was allocated in 2021 for the promotion of agri-food products within and outside the EU. The work programme on promotion policy focuses in particular on the promotion of agricultural products and methods that more directly support the objectives of the European Green Deal, giving [...]
Coronavirus, EU assures: “The agri-food sector showed a great proof of resilience”

Coronavirus, EU assures: “The agri-food sector showed a great proof of resilience”

The agri-food sector is under special surveillance by EU at the time of coronavirus. For the time being, one certainty: the sector “Is showing resilience, and continues to provide European citizens safe, high-quality food”. Word of European Commission, which continues to monitor all agricultural markets and trade in foodstuffs through [...]

Export South, the food industry flies to Budapest

From 4 to 6 February, agri-food companies in the South will fly to Budapest to take part in Sirha, a biennial fair also dedicated to the confectionery, bakery and hotel and catering industries. The entrepreneurs will be accompanied by the ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, within the framework of [...]
sustainable agriculture

An international call for food security and sustainable agriculture

On December 2 an international call for tenders will be published to support research applied to sustainable agriculture and to food security, with particular attention to the interaction between climate change and food production systems. The initiative is part of the "Era-Net Cofund Food System and Climate" action of the [...]
Italian products

North America, Italian agrifood consumption is growing

The consumption of Italian food products in North America is increasing. On 9 September, Assocamerestero - the Association that reunites 78 Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad and Unioncamere - presented the results of a survey on the consumption trends of agri-food in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The analysis [...]