Exceptional EU measures to support the viticulture and the fruit and vegetable sectors


The European Commission has adopted a series of exceptional measures to support the viticulture and fruit and vegetable sectors in all Member States.

These are the exceptional measures for viticulture:

• EU countries can continue to modify their national support programmes at any time, whereas this can usually only be done twice a year (by 1 March and 30 June each year respectively);
• for the promotion and information, restructuring and conversion of vineyards, green harvesting and investments, the possibility of granting a higher contribution from the EU budget is extended until 15 October 2022;
• the contribution of the EU budget to harvest insurance was increased from 70 % to 80 % until 15 October 2022;
• EU support to cover the costs of setting up mutual funds has been doubled from 10 %, 8 % and 4 % in the first, second and third years of implementation to 20 %, 16 % and 8 %;
• a prolongation of the flexibility granted for the wine programme measures until 15 October 2022.

For the fruit and vegetable sector, EU support to producer organisations, usually calculated on the basis of the value of annual production, will be compensated so as to be at least 85 % of last year’s level, even if this year’s value is lower. Such compensation shall be offered when the reduction in production is linked to natural disasters, adverse climatic events, plant diseases or pest infestations, is outside the control of the producer organisation and at least 35 % less than in the previous year. Furthermore, if the producers show that they have taken preventive measures against the cause of the reduction in production, the value of the production used for the support will be the same as last year.
