
alcune macchine agricole in azione

Rising costs, EU aid for farmers

Aid arrives for the sector, paralysed by the soaring prices of raw materials European aid is coming for the agricultural sector paralysed by the increase in raw material costs. The European Commission has presented an exceptional measure, financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), to enable Member [...]

Agrobusiness in Europe, is the crisis over?

According to the European Commission data, January 2022 saw a 25% increase compared to last year Agri-food trade in the EU seems to have overcome the pandemic crisis. This is demonstrated by the latest data published by the European Commission, according to which the total value of trade in the [...]
mezzi agricoli all'opera

Agriculture, 1.2 billion euros available

Green light of the European Commission to the Ministry framework scheme The European Commission gives the green light to the Italian framework scheme notified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, which provides 1.2 billion euros in support of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture to reduce the impact on [...]
vino e vigna, immagine simbolica

Wine, Italy is the queen of production

Export: excellent performance but volumes remain lower than France and Spain Italy is the queen of the production of wines and sparkling wines, but is lagging behind in export volumes. According to data presented by Ismea at Vinitaly, Italy maintains its world leadership in the production of wines and sparkling [...]
Agricoltura - Foto di Drazen Nesic da Pixnio

Less CO2 in the atmosphere, EU-farmers pact

The aim is to encourage practices to store coal in the soil in a sustainable way The EU goal for the coming years is as follows: to store more carbon in agricultural and forest soils to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, favouring with ad hoc financing the [...]

Ukrainian crisis and Italian agri-food: risks according to the ISMEA study

The Italian agri-food industry risks to pay for the effect on the market of the conflict in Ukraine. This is confirmed by an analysis of ISMEA, the Institute of Services for the Agricultural Food Market. According to the study, Italy is particularly vulnerable due to its high degree of dependence [...]
cibo bio

Organic production, the EU rewards excellence

From 25 March to 5 June 2022, farms will be able to apply for EU premiums for organic production. The awards, established by the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, Copa-Cogeca and Ifoam Organics Europe, are seven, will recognise excellence along the biological value chain, and [...]

Agri-food, the European market is growing: in 2021 +6.1% compared to 2020

Strong growth in the EU agri-food market. The data recorded by the European Commission show that for the January-September 2021 period the total value of the agri-food trade of the Member States (exports plus imports) amounts to 239.5 billion euros, an increase of 6,1% compared to the same period of [...]
piante officinali

Agriculture, institutional agreement to protect the producers of medicinal plants

The State-Autonomous Regions and Provinces Conference has reached an agreement on the decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry related to medicinal plants, adopted in agreement with the ministries of Ecological Transition and Health. The agreement allows to define the list of species of medicinal plants cultivated and [...]

Soft drinks, memorandum of understanding for the promotion of Made in Italy

A memorandum of understanding has been signed for the promotion of Made in Italy products and the reduction of waste in the production of soft drinks. The agreement, signed by the Undersecretary of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Francesco Battistoni, and Giangiacomo Pierini, President of Assobibe, a Confindustria association representing [...]