Soft drinks, memorandum of understanding for the promotion of Made in Italy


A memorandum of understanding has been signed for the promotion of Made in Italy products and the reduction of waste in the production of soft drinks. The agreement, signed by the Undersecretary of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Francesco Battistoni, and Giangiacomo Pierini, President of Assobibe, a Confindustria association representing the producers of soft drinks, formalises the commitment to work together to promote and implement policies to enhance the value of the Italian agricultural chain in the production and sale of soft drinks: facilitate the conditions for maintaining and strengthening the supply of Italian fruits and citrus fruits, encourage product innovation and the expansion of "organic" versions; work on reducing food waste and waste enhancement. For this reason, a table of confront will be set up at the Ministry; it will also be useful to monitor the performance of the soft drinks market in Italy.
