News - 16

new technologies

Technology, the University of Cagliari has the first "Sap next gen chapter" in Italy

The first Sap next gen chapter in Italy, which will allow Sardinian university students to use innovative and advanced technological solutions, will be activated at the University of Cagliari . An agreement was signed between the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of the university of the Sardinian capital with [...]
new technologies

Technology, the University of Cagliari has the first "Sap next gen chapter" in Italy

The first Sap next gen chapter in Italy, which will allow Sardinian university students to use innovative and advanced technological solutions, will be activated at the University of Cagliari . An agreement was signed between the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of the university of the Sardinian capital with [...]
Fondi europei

European funds, Sardina promoted by the Monitoring Committee

By next December the Region will have to spend € 147 million euros of EU funds, which will become 185 if the goal is to be able to achieve the bonus.The first step planned for this year has been exceeded. The regional planning minister Raffaele Paci is convinced that Sardinia [...]
Fondi europei

European funds, Sardina promoted by the Monitoring Committee

By next December the Region will have to spend € 147 million euros of EU funds, which will become 185 if the goal is to be able to achieve the bonus.The first step planned for this year has been exceeded. The regional planning minister Raffaele Paci is convinced that Sardinia [...]
Fondi europei

European funds, Sardina promoted by the Monitoring Committee

By next December the Region will have to spend € 147 million euros of EU funds, which will become 185 if the goal is to be able to achieve the bonus.The first step planned for this year has been exceeded. The regional planning minister Raffaele Paci is convinced that Sardinia [...]

Italy-China, a bridge thanks to the "Week of science, technology and innovation"

To Strengthen the relations between Sardinia and China in order to offer more growth opportunities for Sardinian companies on the Chinese market. This will be the spirit of the Cagliari event of the Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation , the largest European event on internationalization between the two [...]

Italy-China, a bridge thanks to the "Week of science, technology and innovation"

To Strengthen the relations between Sardinia and China in order to offer more growth opportunities for Sardinian companies on the Chinese market. This will be the spirit of the Cagliari event of the Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation , the largest European event on internationalization between the two [...]

Italy-China, a bridge thanks to the "Week of science, technology and innovation"

To Strengthen the relations between Sardinia and China in order to offer more growth opportunities for Sardinian companies on the Chinese market. This will be the spirit of the Cagliari event of the Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation , the largest European event on internationalization between the two [...]