Technology, the University of Cagliari has the first "Sap next gen chapter" in Italy

new technologies

The firstSap next gen chapter in Italy, which will allow Sardinian university students to use innovative and advanced technological solutions, will be activated at the University of Cagliari. An agreement was signed between the Department of Economic and Business Sciencesof the university of the Sardinian capital with the multinational Sap, a firm that is considered world leader in the corporate software sector.

The aim of the initiative is to share best practices in the use of information systems for educational purposes and, at the same time, to strengthen the link between the university and the business world in an area considered to be expanding. The news was released a few days ago, during an international conference that took place in Monaco.

«Next Gen chapter and the Sap University Alliances are important opportunities for the Department of Business Economics and for the entire University of Cagliari, " says Alessandro Spano, associate professor of Business Economics . «They will offer our students the opportunity to come into direct contact with the most advanced technological solutions in the field of corporate information systems - he adds - by strengthening the role of our university in this field». In this way, concludes the professor, "our students will be able to strengthen their curriculum and have direct contacts with important companies, operating at national and international level".

Research and innovation