Small and medium enterprises


Export support for SMEs, call for the Bee Net project

The objective of the Bee Net Project is to select ten Business Networks among the companies registered in its platform. The call has been published on July 22 in the context of initiatives related to "Bee Net - Building European Export Networks". The project is co-financed by the European Union [...]
Bandiere internazionali

Industry, internationalization project “Sardinia beyond the sea "

The internationalization project “ Sardinia beyond the sea ", based on the second Call of the Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund 2014-20, Action 3.4.1.”Promotion in foreign markets in favour of mixed partnerships", has been published by the Regional Department of Industry. The appointment for a presentation [...]
Assemblea Confindustria

European design and 'Project cycle management', a workshop in Cagliari

We will talk about European planning and 'Project cycle management' during the workshop scheduled for Wednesday 3 July, in Cagliari, in Via Roma 173 from 3.30pm to 7.30pm. The initiative, promoted by the Regional immigration emigration committee (Crei Acli Sardegna), in collaboration with the ACLI of Cagliari, Ipsia Sardegna and [...]
Artistic craftsmanship Fair of Sardinia, 94 craftsmen in Mogoro

Artistic craftsmanship Fair of Sardinia, 94 craftsmen in Mogoro

Ninety-four artisans will take part this year in the Sardinian Artistic Craftsmanship Fair.Now in its 58th edition, the initiative will take place from 27 July to 1 September, in a space of over 2,500 square meters, in the Carpet Fair Centre, in Mogoro. Unlike the later editions, the event will [...]
Missione imprenditoriale

Innovative SMEs and start-ups, the Italy-Argentina Forum starts

ICE, the Italian Agency for Foreign Trade organizes with the Italian Embassy in Buenos Aires and the collaboration of the Argentine Ministry of Manufacturing, the "Italy-Argentina Bilateral Economic Forum for the SMEs and innovative start-ups ", scheduled in Buenos Aires on June 13th and 14th. Argentina is an important emerging [...]

"Mediterranean Basin 2014-2020", Sardinia launches the challenge of strategic projects

The Sardinia Region, acting Managing Authority of the "Eni Cbc - Med" programme, recently published a call for strategic projects. The program, whose budget is around 70 million euros, encourages the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, supports education, research, technological development and innovation, promotes social inclusion and the fight [...]

Brexit, a no deal exit after April 12 is increasingly likely

The possibility of an “no-deal” exit of Britain from the European Union after April 12 is increasingly concrete. The events and political uncertainty of the last few months have changed the starting scenario, dating back to three years ago, making this eventuality ever more concrete. As will be recalled, the [...]

Wine, 19 Sardinian companies fly to Canada

Nineteen Sardinian wineries will take part in the 23rd edition of the "Grandi Degustazioni in Canada” (Great Tastings in Canada), an event which will take place in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal from October 22nd to 31st. The event is considered an important commercial reference for Canadian professionals in the [...]