Export support for SMEs, call for the Bee Net project


The objective of the Bee Net Project is to select ten Business Networks among the companies registered in its platform. The call has been published on July 22 in the context of initiatives related to "Bee Net - Building European Export Networks". The project is co-financed by the European Union to support SMEs that are looking to export, wish to join and build new networks, intend to tackle international markets and to be more competitive. The pilot initiative was approved by the European Commission with the support of RetImpresa of Confindustria and the Confindustria delegation in Brussels. The project is managed by the partners of the Enterprise Europe Network: Sicindustria, acting as project leader, the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and the Innovation Agency of Lithuania.

The Bee Net project is aimed at SMEs with limited internationalization experience with a focus on family-run businesses. It is open to SMEs already aggregated in networks and helps them to acquire new business models and develop a network strategy to grow and be more competitive in global markets, providing constant guidance to facilitate the development of successful business networks through activities of tailored training and coaching and assistance.

The best proposals will be awarded with a grant of up to 25,000 euros to cover 90% of eligible expenses for groups of 4 to 8 SMEs from at least 3 EU countries, the assistance of a group of international network experts Enterprise Europe Network for the development of 1-year projects, dedicated training sessions, live webinars and podcasts, a platform dedicated to matching and virtual meetings between the various potential partners and the presentation in Barcelona of projects funded with the opportunity to show results, increase visibility and participate in new Network initiatives.

The deadline to present the European Business Network proposal with the internationalization action plan is November 4, 2019. Until this deadline it is possible to register for free on the platform and participate in the Open Call.

For more information, click here

Internationalisation and export
Small and medium enterprises
Support for Businesses