Invest in Sardinia


"Mediterranean Basin 2014-2020", Sardinia launches the challenge of strategic projects

The Sardinia Region, acting Managing Authority of the "Eni Cbc - Med" programme, recently published a call for strategic projects. The program, whose budget is around 70 million euros, encourages the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, supports education, research, technological development and innovation, promotes social inclusion and the fight [...]

Internationalisation, a mission in London for sardinian innovative companies

To promote "made in Sardinia" innovative companies in the British market. This is the next objective of the three-year Regional Program for the internationalization of the Regional Industry Ministry. In collaboration with ICE, the Agency for foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, the regional offices have scheduled a Boot [...]

Relaunching the crisis areas of Porto Torres and Portovesme

The Italian Government and the Regional Admonistrationaim at relaunching the industrial centers of Porto Torres and Portovesme. Complying with the requests formulated by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Regional Minister of Industry, Invitalia has published a call for expressions of interest in the reconversion and industrial redevelopment projects [...]
A focus on the Research Centres in Sardinia

A focus on the Research Centres in Sardinia

The main Research Centres in Sardinia are located in the SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARK, in the CNR (National Research Council) facilities and in AGRIS (Agency for research In Agriculture) . SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARK It is a system of advanced infrastructures and services for technological innovation and valorisation of research [...]