EU launches the new "Agenda for the Mediterranean"

Unione europea

EU relaunches and strengthens the strategic partnership with neighbouring Mediterranean countries by proposing a new "Agenda for the Mediterranean". Under the new EU Neighbourhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), up to 7 billion euros would be allocated for the period 2021-2027 for the implementation of the Agenda. This amount could mobilise up to 30 billion private and public investment in the region over the next ten years.

The new Agenda focuses on five policy areas:

  • Human development, good governance and the rule of law - Renewing our common commitment to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and responsible governance
  • Resilience, prosperity and digital transition - Supporting resilient, inclusive and connected economies that create opportunities for everyone, especially women and young people
  • Peace and security - Providing support to countries to address security challenges and find solutions to ongoing conflicts
  • Migration and mobility - Tackling together the challenges of forced displacement and irregular migration and facilitating legal and safe routes for migration and mobility
  • Green transition: climate resilience, energy and environment - Protect the region’s natural resources and generate green growth by leveraging the potential of a low-carbon future.

A special economic investment plan for the southern neighbourhood aims to ensure that the quality of life of the people of the region improves and that economic recovery, even after the Covid-19 pandemic, does not exclude anyone. The plan includes some preliminary guiding initiatives to strengthen resilience, create prosperity and enhance trade and investment in support of competitiveness and inclusive growth. Respect for human rights and the rule of law are an integral part of our partnership and are essential to ensuring citizens' trust in the institutions.

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