
The port system of Sardinian is a key element to ensure territorial continuity, since almost all trade to and from the Island is carried out by sea. Sardinia enjoys 11 large/medium-sized port infrastructures (http://www.sardegnamobilita.it/index.php?xsl=1053&s=33&v=9&c=6667&es=6603&na=1&n=100) which are divided into different docking centres which include a number of ports of different profile:

  • the Cagliari centre has an international economic importance:
    • commercial port (passengers and partially freights and bulk carriers) (Port of Cagliari)
    • industrial port (Porto Canale) rapidly developing into a container handling facility with a transhipment service
    • industrial terminals of Assemini and Porto Foxi (the latter including two oil terminals, one managed by Saras SpA and the other by Enichem)
    • the Arbatax hub: commercial and industrial port of Arbatax-Tortoli
    • the Olbia centre has an international economic importance:
      • commercial and industrial port of Olbia
      • commercial port and rail terminal in Golfo Aranci
      • the Porto Torres hub, of international economic importance:
        • commercial and industrial port, serving the surrounding area and, in particular, the refineries located nearby the port
        • the north-east hub, regional and interregional economic significance:
          • ports of Palau, La Maddalena and Santa Teresa di Gallura
          • the Sulcis-Iglesias hub:
            • the ports of Portovesme, Calasetta and Carloforte,
            • the port of Sant 'Antioco, national economic significance, dedicated to the handling of goods and pleasure boating.

The regional port system also benefits from the presence of the Oristano-Santa Giusta hub, of national economic importance, located on the western coast of the island, used for the solo purpose of handling goods (mainly dry and liquid bulk).

in addition to the large infrastructure hubs for passengers and/or goods, about a hundred marinas are available, such as Porto Cervo (700 berths), one of the best-equipped of the island, Villasimius (750 berths), Alghero (500) and La Caletta-Siniscola (source: SardegnaMobilità).


Ports and marinas in Sardinia

The marinas Source

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