News - 5

Incontro Pigliaru, Piras e sindacalisti per metano

Methane, Sardinia accelerates to catch up with Europe

Sardinia is the only region in Italy and among the very few in Europe to have no natural gas network. The absence of methane distribution represents an infrastructural disadvantage for the island, which can be quantified at a cost of 500 million euros per year for households and businesses. The [...]
Incontro Pigliaru, Piras e sindacalisti per metano

Methane, Sardinia accelerates to catch up with Europe

Sardinia is the only region in Italy and among the very few in Europe to have no natural gas network. The absence of methane distribution represents an infrastructural disadvantage for the island, which can be quantified at a cost of 500 million euros per year for households and businesses. The [...]