Environment and health

 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
Economia circolare

From waste to re-use: new EU rules for the circular economy

The new European directives on the circular economy entered into force on July 4th, 2018. The new package consists of four directives that intervene on the general organization and on some specific sectors. In particular: • Directive 2018/849 / EU intervenes on end-of-life vehicles (modifying Directive 2000/53 / EC), batteries [...]