News - 16


Vaicacao , quality and innovation for a healthy cocoa

Cocoa is a very expensive raw material in the world, but not all cocoa belongs to the same category. Aurea Trading, a start-up company based in Olbia selects, transforms and markets under the brand " Vaicacao - Natural Healthy Superfood " pure cocoa and its derived products through an innovative [...]

Vaicacao , quality and innovation for a healthy cocoa

Cocoa is a very expensive raw material in the world, but not all cocoa belongs to the same category. Aurea Trading, a start-up company based in Olbia selects, transforms and markets under the brand " Vaicacao - Natural Healthy Superfood " pure cocoa and its derived products through an innovative [...]

Lean Start-up, how to start a business in an intelligent way

Kicking off a new business involves risks that can be hard to estimate for the new entrepreneurs. Will I have enough customers? Will my product find distribution channels? Will I be able to create a support structure that can grow and maintain itself? Will I have enough economic, human and [...]

Lean Start-up, how to start a business in an intelligent way

Kicking off a new business involves risks that can be hard to estimate for the new entrepreneurs. Will I have enough customers? Will my product find distribution channels? Will I be able to create a support structure that can grow and maintain itself? Will I have enough economic, human and [...]

Lean Start-up, how to start a business in an intelligent way

Kicking off a new business involves risks that can be hard to estimate for the new entrepreneurs. Will I have enough customers? Will my product find distribution channels? Will I be able to create a support structure that can grow and maintain itself? Will I have enough economic, human and [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]
 Incontro a Sassari su progetto Rete metropolitana del Nord Sardegna

Metropolitan network of Northern Sardinia, € 75 million project

The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of ​​Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of [...]