News - 10

Beyond sanctions: to invest and to export Italian products to Russia

Beyond sanctions: to invest and to export Italian products to Russia

In March 2014, the European Union imposed restrictive measures against Russia in response to the Ukrainian crisis. The Russian Federation responded by imposing measures against the European Union and its Member States (in addition to the United States, Canada, Norway and Australia). The European sanctions against Russia have been extended [...]
The region of Sardinia is behind the companies in the food and wine sector

The region of Sardinia is behind the companies in the food and wine sector

To underline the support and constant assistance, the President of Sardinia Region, Francesco Pigliaru, and Regional Industry Minister, Maria Grazia Piras, will participate today and tomorrow to the "Real Italian Wine and Food" event in London. The event is organized by ICE, the agency for the foreign promotion and internationalization [...]
The region of Sardinia is behind the companies in the food and wine sector

The region of Sardinia is behind the companies in the food and wine sector

To underline the support and constant assistance, the President of Sardinia Region, Francesco Pigliaru, and Regional Industry Minister, Maria Grazia Piras, will participate today and tomorrow to the "Real Italian Wine and Food" event in London. The event is organized by ICE, the agency for the foreign promotion and internationalization [...]
Sardinian exports, the commitment of the region

Sardinian exports, the commitment of the region

Los Angeles, London and Singapore in less than one month’s time. The Regional Government will focus on these three cities the most important initiatives aimed at promoting the exports of Sardinian companies and attract new foreign investors in the Island. The participation of Sardinian entrepreneurs at events, meetings and various [...]
Sardinian exports, the commitment of the region

Sardinian exports, the commitment of the region

Los Angeles, London and Singapore in less than one month’s time. The Regional Government will focus on these three cities the most important initiatives aimed at promoting the exports of Sardinian companies and attract new foreign investors in the Island. The participation of Sardinian entrepreneurs at events, meetings and various [...]
Sardinian food products conquer London

Sardinian food products conquer London

The Regional Government of Sardinia and a selection of Sardinian companies took part in a very successful business mission at the Real Italian Wine and Food, an event organized by ICE. The event was included in the Regional Programme by the Ministry of Industry. The observers and experts who took [...]
Sardinian food products conquer London

Sardinian food products conquer London

The Regional Government of Sardinia and a selection of Sardinian companies took part in a very successful business mission at the Real Italian Wine and Food, an event organized by ICE. The event was included in the Regional Programme by the Ministry of Industry. The observers and experts who took [...]