The region of Sardinia is behind the companies in the food and wine sector

The region of Sardinia is behind the companies in the food and wine sector

To underline the support and constant assistance, the President of Sardinia Region, Francesco Pigliaru, and Regional Industry Minister, Maria Grazia Piras, will participate today and tomorrow to the "Real Italian Wine and Food" event in London. The event is organized by ICE, the agency for the foreign promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, this year has reserved to the Sardinian companies a leading role. Those participants, 27 in all, were selected by the Regional Ministry for Industry and represent the main production sectors: wines, cheeses, meats, pasta, beer, confectionery and bakery.

The London-based agenda of Francesco Pigliaru and Maria Grazia Piras is particularly intense. First President and Minister will be guests of the Italian Ambassador in London, Pasquale Terracciano, together with the Director of ICE in the British capital, Roberto Luongo. In the afternoon, at the prestigious Westminster Kingsway College, there will be a cooking demonstration with London chefs and restaurateurs, to which the college students and some journalists from specialized magazines will also attend. Immediately after, Pigliaru and Piras will meet local importers and distributors together with the ICE experts: the Sardinian companies will receive information on the British market, its structure and the best organizational structure to deal profitably.

At 18.30 the President of the Region will be at the Italian Institute of Culture to inaugurate "The Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci," the exhibition that houses the 33 original notebooks of the Sardinian writer and politician, exposed for the first time in the UK. On October 31, within the activities of "Real Italian Wine & Food," the Church House of Westminster will host a guided wine Masterclass / tasting session offered by the participating companies, B2B meetings, tastings of products and workshops.

The institutional mission is part of the Programme for internationalization launched by the Regional Government at the initiative of the Minister for Industry, to promote the export of Sardinian businesses and to attract new foreign investors. Recently a successful mission in Los Angeles saw the Sardinian start-ups and innovative companies, promoted and presented to an audience of investors. The companies took advantage of the experience of a group of professionals dedicated to them. In the United States there were fifteen business representatives of companies active in strategic networks: smart manufacturing, fashion and design, food and foodtech, energy, ICT and financial innovation.

Finally, the last details of the participation of the Sardinian delegation to the Italian Innovation Day to be held in the last week of November in Singapore are being finalised. In addition to the Regional representatives, the University of Cagliari and Sassari, CRS4, Sardegna Ricerche and eleven companies that offer innovative products and services will attend. Sardinia will present itself at the cutting edge of technology and innovation with incubators, start-up companies of the bio-life sectors, bio technologies, life sciences, green power and medtech.

For further details and more information, click here

Internationalisation and export