Water distribution network

The total length of Sardinian water distribution system is about 4,941 Km. The total length of inland water distribution networks is 8,513 km; it provides a coverage equal to 91% of the population.

The infrastructures used for water production and distribution from surface basins for multiple uses (MSF) in the whole Region include: 47 dams, 21 stringers, 87 tanks and dividers, 37 lifting plants and distribution facilities for a total length of 957.78 km, 697.87 km of which include pipelines, 145.68 km canals and 114, 23 km tunnels. As for the civil infrastructure system, the Integrated Water Service, in terms of service potential, the level of coverage of the aqueduct service is satisfactory, with a value equal to 98% compared to a national average of 96%.

The total length of the sewage system is 7.225 km. The sewage treatment plant consists of 570 purification plants for indoor use, both residential and industrial.

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