Sole proprietorship - the simplified accounting scheme

If your company is a sole proprietorship, you can choose the most appropriate accounting scheme.

An accounting scheme can be described as a railway track, on which the administrative events of your business run.

E.g.: Significant administrative events may be the purchase of equipment or the crediting of sum to the company's bank account. It may also be the payment of a tax or the reception of a governmental grant.

These events must be registered following specific rules in an orderly and systematic set of books: this is referred to as accounting.

Based on the steps you decide to take, you may also be required to show third parties your accounting ledgers or part of them: your bank, prior to providing a loan, may want to know the volume of your business and tax authorities may ask you to show your books during their audits.

Italian legislation provides for a number of different tax schemes. Namely:

  • the simplified accounting scheme;
  • the ordinary accounting scheme;
  • the scheme for new business initiatives;
  • the minimum taxpayer scheme;
  • the flat-rate scheme.

The simplified scheme:

  • can always be used bya sole proprietorship;
  • is linked to the company's turnover;
  • is not difficult in terms of accounting and bookkeeping.

For further information on this particular tax scheme, please refer to the Guide to the simplified accounting scheme.

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