Railways and roads

The railway network runs for about 1.035 km, it is not electrified and only 4% is double-tracked.

Railway activities on the island are currently the responsibility of two companies:

  • the Ferrovie dello Stato Group operates, through the RFI and Trenitalia SpA subsidiaries, the 4 standard gauge railway lines which are included in the main Sardinian network
  • ARST S.p.A. (http://www.arst.sardegna.it/index.html) manages the remaining 5 active sections of the public transport system, all of them are narrow-gauge and are part of the secondary network, running for 205 km. The latter company also controls 404 km of tourist lines, narrow-gauge, active especially in the summer season and on-demand.

The railway network of Sardinia

The road network runs for approximately 8,454 Km. It consists of 3,002 km of national roads, 5,452 km of provincial roads (3,981 km are local municipal suburban roads).

The basic road network includes:

  • S.S.131 Carlo Felice, Cagliari, Sanluri, Oristano, Sassari and Porto Torres;
  • S.S.130, S.P .85 and S.P .2, Cagliari-Decimo-Iglesias-Carbonia;
  • S.S.131 DCN Oristano-Abbasanta, Nuoro, Olbia;
  • S.S.291 Nuova Sassari-Alghero;
  • S.S.597 and S.S.199 Sassari, Olbia and connection to Golfo Aranci;
  • S.S.125, S.S.133 and S.S.133bis (60.8 km): Olbia (the SP16 Golfo Aranci linkroad)-Arzachena-Palau-Santa Teresa di Gallura
  • S.S.125 Cagliari-Tortolì-Arbatax;
  • S.S.389/198 Tortolì-Lanusei-Nuoro;

S.S. 195 - Dorsale Casic - New ring road outside of Cagliari.


The enhancement of intermodality throughout the island and the integration between the various systems of rail, bus and car systems, are also worth mentioning. The strengthening oft he interchange nodes is carried out thanks to the exchange hubs, which also connect lines belonging to the same service. Additional services are also provided to users (comfortable services, information desks, etc.). SardegnaMobilità (http://www.sardegnamobilita.it/index.php?xsl=1058&s=33&v=9&c=6649&es=6603&na=1&n=100&esp=1) also provides a list of first level and second level hubs, and the new intermodal centres funded by the Region.


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