

The EU commission kicks off the European Fund for the defence industry

Yesterday the Commission adopted a package of decisions to support the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the EU defence industry. The adoption of the first annual work programme of the European Defence Fund (EDF) paves the way for the immediate launch of 23 calls for proposals totalling 1.2 billion euros [...]
Unione europea

Programming, the opportunities of Horizon Europe

The European Commission recently adopted the Horizon Europe programme, which will invest 14.7 billion euros in 2021-2022 to accelerate the green and digital transition of Member States. Funding will be used on a number of objectives: to support European researchers with scholarships, training courses and exchanges; to build more connected [...]

New EU platform on digital skills and ICT professions

The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, a single point of access for the collection of high-quality information and resources on digital skills and ICT professions across Europe, has been online for a few weeks. It is an initiative of the European Union and brings together the entire community of coalitions [...]

How the Green Pass works

Italy starts the Covid-19 Green Certification that attests either the vaccination against Sars-Cov2, or the negative result of an antigenic or molecular swab carried out in the last 48 hours, or the recovery from the infection. The free document, in digital and printable format, facilitates in our country the participation [...]

European Union, proposal for a new common agricultural policy

Yesterday, 28 June, the Agrifish EU Council in Luxembourg gave the green light for the proposal to reform the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, in the wake of three years of negotiations and following the agreement reached in the Trilogue between the three European institutions last Friday in Brussels. Important [...]
Unione europea

EU, the platform for the valorisation of knowledge is born

The European Commission has launched the EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform, a digital space providing an interactive forum to stimulate cross-border cooperation and improve the wide circulation of research results in society and the economy. 'The platform will enable the sharing of best practices, knowledge and skills, thereby improving policies and [...]

EU, 33.71 billion euros for sustainable infrastructures

European countries can count on 33.71 billion euros to be spent from 2021 to 2027 to finance the development of sustainable and highly efficient transport, digital and energy infrastructures. It is the Connecting Europe facility 2.0 (CEF 2.0), an investment programme approved two days ago by the European Council, now [...]

EU parliament approves climate law

The Parliament finally adopted the climate law, which was informally agreed with the Member States in April, with 442 votes in favour, 203 against and 51 abstentions. This decision will give European citizens and businesses the legal certainty and predictability they need to plan for the transition decided on with [...]
Unione europea

Research and innovation, the new EU approach

The EU Commission has implemented new measures on the global approach towards research and innovation, which will be Europe’s strategy for international cooperation in a changing world. With it, the EU intends to take a leading role in supporting international research and innovation partnerships and provide innovative solutions to make [...]