Wines, appointment in Scandinavia


ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, as part of the South Export plan, organizes a Scandinavian Countries Wines Exchange reserved for companies established in the less developed (Sicily, Calabria, Puglia and Basilicata) and from the transition regions (Sardinia, Abruzzo, Molise). The event will take place on 6 March 2019 in Copenhagen (Denmark).


Exports of wines and sparkling wines from Italy to the Scandinavian countries have increased by 7% from January to June 2018 compared to the same period in 2017 (ICE data from ISTAT processing).


The market trend is characterized by a strong increase in the presence of Italian wines. The consumer is curious and interested in trying out new things. The wine market in Norway, Sweden and Finland is regulated by the State Monopolies which control its sale and distribution. In recent months - thanks to the expansion of the wines in the catalogues - the Italian offer has gained ground placing itself as the main supplier, in particular for the Swedish market.


The interested companies must send, by and not later than December 7, the application request via certified mail at


To download the information sheet, go to the link

Internationalisation and export