Vinitaly, the Regional government confirms the participation of Sardinia in the 2019 edition


The participation of Sardinia in the 53rd edition of Vinitaly represents a precious opportunity for regional wineries. This is the motivation that has convinced the Regional Council to welcome the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture, Pier Luigi Caria, and to confirm for the next year the presence of the island to what is considered an important international showcase of the sector, scheduled in Verona, from April 7th to 10th 2019. The foreseen expenditure amounts to just over one million euros and the companies of the sector that should be involved are 72.

"The Region - Caria has specified - intends to continue in the institutional aid aimed to accompany the small and medium-sized regional wineries in the participation in Vinitaly, an event that represents an important opportunity to promote the entire sector as a whole".

In light of the "positive results obtained in the last edition - explained the commissioner - for us it is fundamental to reconfirm the presence of Sardinia in this important international showcase".

Small and medium enterprises