Opportunities for Sardinian companies, meeting between the Minister for Industry Anita Pili and the Indian ambassador Reenat Sandhu

Opportunities for Sardinian companies, meeting between the Minister for Industry Anita Pili and the Indian ambassador Reenat Sandhu

Meeting this morning in Cagliari, at Villa Devoto, between the regional minister of Industry, Anita Pili, and the ambassador of India in Italy,ReenatSandhu.The occasion was created during the opening of the "SotacarboSummerschool” in Carbonia.

Minister Pili expressed strong interest in investment opportunities for India, offering extensive collaboration to the Ambassador for future development projects and then highlighted how the comparison proved to be "important for a collaboration with a view to internationalization of Sardinian companies and of strengthening the role of the Region in the activity of coordinationand support for companies ".

AmbassadorSandhualso recalled that India is "one of the most populated countries in the world and one of the fastest growing economies, offering numerous investment opportunities in all sectors, from energy toICT. This in addition to having a large domestic market, where more than 700 Italian companies are already present”.
