Ministry of Industry and Economic development- Guarantee fund for SMEs

Ministry of Industry and Economic development- Guarantee fund for SMEs

The Guarantee Fund for small and medium-sized enterprises is aimed at facilitating access to credit for SMEs by granting a public guarantee. The company obtains financing without additional guarantees (real, insurance or banking) on the amount covered by the Fund.


Eligible costs

Productive Investments(IP), Services (S), Training (F), Fairs (FM), Material costs(CM), Management expenses(SG)



Agriculture, Industry, Tertiary and Tourism



31/12/2020 22:59 (financed-in)


Admissible entities

  • SMEs including craft manufacturers;
  • Consortia and limited liability consortia, composed of SMEs and mixed companies;
  • Specialists registered in professional associations or members of professional associations registered in the appropriate list of the Ministry of Economic Development

Eligible Projects

Investment projects for SMEs and professionals of any sector for any financial operation related to business activities.


Type of support available

Award of a public guarantee up to 80% of the requested funding. The maximum sum covered by the guarantee is 2.5 million euros. The guarantee can be used to cover one or more operations


Eligible costs

Productive Investments




Material costs

Management expenses


Financed-in evaluation. The candidate company or professional can not submit directly the request fo access to the Fund. The request must be submitted through the bank from which the applicant is obtaining the funds. The bank will trasmit the request to the ministry and will follow up on the procedure.

As an alternative, the applicant can ask a Confidi (guarantee consortium) to cover the operation and then requesta a counter-guarantee to the Fund. All banks are enabled to submit the applications while only authorised Guarantee Consortia can treat the requests



Support for Businesses