The Mediterranean will become a SECA area: stop to sulphur emissions


The Mediterranean Sea is preparing to become a SECA area, Sulphur Emission Control Area, or an area in which sulphur emissions from ship traffic are significantly reduced through a number of instruments such as the obligation to use very low sulphur fuels or smoke abatement systems. The proposal to safeguard the ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea, which was first proposed 4 years ago, has finally reached the discussion phase in the Committee for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Italy has been strenuously committed to starting and building the path to achieve this crucial result, especially during its period of presidency of the Barcelona convention; in particular, since the Conference of the Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention held in Naples in December 2019, during which the road map that led to the document under discussion in these days was adopted.

The request for the designation of the Mediterranean as a SECA area, which has already passed the first screening of the Assembly and is in the process of technical discussion, has been signed by all the Mediterranean countries; all member states of the European Union joined the request, demonstrating the will of all the countries of the basin to commit to the health of the Mediterranean.

Environment and health