Italian companies on a mission to Abu Dhabi and Dubai


ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, together with Confindustria and Abi , and under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Economic Development, a mission entrepreneurs to the United Arab Emirates from 14 to 16 April. The planned stops are Abu Dhabi and Dubai. In view of Expo2020, scheduled in Dubai from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, for Italian companies it is an opportunity to evaluate investment opportunities and industrial and commercial partnerships. The Emirates are a constantly growing market; they have successfully embarked on a path of economic diversification to reduce their dependence on oil and are investing in sectors such as renewable energy, tourism, infrastructure, services and civil aviation.

The expedition will focus in particular on road, railway, port, engineering and architectural infrastructures, construction and construction materials. The theme of energy and the environment will also be central, from electronic and mechanical technologies and components for production to energy transmission and distribution, from hydroelectric and photovoltaic plants to biomass and cogeneration plants, from energy savings and energy technologies to energy efficiency for waste management, from purification and water treatment to smart cities and smart grids. The mission is also interesting for those operating in the health and pharmaceutical sectors, given that there will also be talk of supplying biomedical services and equipment and producing and marketing pharmaceutical products. There will be opportunities for the agro-industry, including technologies for the cultivation of aeroponics and hydroponics for those innovative for greenhouse cultivation. And finally there will be space for the ICT sector: cybersecurity, robotics and artificial intelligence, telecommunications (wireless and satellite), blockchain technologies, applications for smart cities.


The mission's program includes sectoral tables and visits to areas of industrial interest, contacts with local counterparts and technical insights on financial instruments and Expo 2020 in Dubai. Companies interested in participating can confirm their membership no later than March 18, 2019, by completing the online form. To facilitate communication with local entrepreneurs, a catalogue will be prepared in English with a page dedicated to each company. During the registration process, the participants will be required to send the logo in vector format or high definition format to


For further information, you can consult the ICE website or contact the Dubai office

Internationalisation and export