Interreg Italy-France Maritime 2021-2027: the second 85 million euros Notice has been launched

Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2021-2027

The 2nd Notice of the Italy-France Maritime Programme 2021-2027 has officially opened: stakeholders have until 6 pm on 30 May 2024 to submit project applications.

The second Notice of the Programme has a budget of 85,353,081.30 euros: projects falling under priorities 1,2,3 and 4 defined by the Programme itself can be financed.

Interreg Italy-France Maritime 2021-2027 aims to support the economic and social cohesion of the cross-border area by strengthening its resilience and capacity to:

  • coping with the impact of industrial and ecological transition by focusing on the challenge of innovation, growth and competitiveness of territories;
  • protecting (from natural and anthropic risks) and enhancing the area's natural and cultural resources, also taking circular economy in consideration, underlining the importance of the territory and its environment;
  • promoting a better connection between territories, emphasising the challenge of accessibility;
  • making the cross-border labour market more efficient by putting the challenge of human capital qualification front and centre.

See the document