Horizon 2020, an online seminar on the amendment procedure

Horizon 2020, an online seminar on the amendment procedure

On July 2ndthe seminar titled "Horizon2020: the procedure ofamendmentduring the project life cycle" will take place. It’s an interactive online seminar that is part of the initiatives promoted by the European Research Desk of Sardegna Ricerche to explore topics related to participation in European programs for the financing of innovative projects.The invitation to thewebinaris aimed primarily at the staff of companies, universities, research centres and public bodies in Sardinia, interested in learning about the newHorizonEuropeframework program.

The cycle of online appointments is organized in collaboration with the Research and Territory offices of the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari and describes the administrative and technical conditions necessary to request an amendment to the grant agreement.Procedures to follow, errors to avoid and guidelines for the correct managementof this delicate passagewill be illustrated.

A maximum of one hundred participants are expected, admitted in chronological order based on the date of receipt of the applications.Applicants must complete the Google Form available here at the end of the page by June 24th.Those admitted will receive confirmation via e-mail and must respond to receive the access to the platform.

For clarification and assistance, please write to ricercaue@sardegnaricerche.it or call +3907092431.

Research and innovation