Export Sud, the agri-food companies of Southern Italy at the Nuremberg Biofach


ICE, the Italian Foreign Trade Agency, organizes the participation of companies based in the southern regions to the Nuremberg Biofach. This is one of the initiatives envisaged by the South Export Plan. The total exposition area will be almost 200 square meters in open space for up to twenty companies from Sicily, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise and Sardinia.

The organic sector is booming in Germany: participation in Biofach represents an opportunity to strengthen the commercial presence on the German market, expanding the Italian offer with high-end organic products from SMEs in the South.

To participate, interested companies must complete the online form. At the end of the online registration, the ICE-Agency will send a confirmation email with the completed participation form attached. The form must be printed, signed, stamped and sent to the certified email address agroindustria@cert.ice.it by 5 July 2019.

For more information, go to the link

Internationalisation and export