EU measures to support digitalisation

digital transformation

The European Commission has published a guidance model to supervise Member States in measures to support the digitalisation of the media in the context of national recovery and resilience plans.

The guidance template is a technical document providing sectoral guidance on the three cases where:

  • the support does not involve State aid and therefore no prior notification to the Commission is required;
  • it would constitute State aid, but no notification is required as the aid measure would be covered by a block exemption;
  • it would constitute State aid and therefore a notification would be necessary in the light of the main applicable State aid rules.

Based on the guidance model, projects for the digitalisation of the media eligible for aid should: focus on the development of editorial content for electronic publishing or the development of new solutions for the sector and to draw attention to published content electronically and increase its consumption, or concern innovative business models for digital publishing.

Research and innovation